
****Below is a simulation experiment on the REEM showing how the visual servoing controlled upper body (torso, arm, head) tracks the object. The goal position of the hand is defined as a rigid link from the object marker. So when the pringles moves, REEM tries to maintain it’s hand in the pre-defined grasp pose.




****Below are 2 experiments on the REEM showing how the visual servoing controlled arm tracks the object. The goal position of the hand is defined as a rigid link from the object marker. So when the pringles moves, REEM tries to maintain it’s hand in the pre-defined grasp pose.


outside view:

*note: at 1 point in this video the pringles is moved to the left of the robot and the hand does not track it anymore. This is because of the joint limit (note the red trajectory during this). Here, the joint is too close to the limit and any more motion toward the limit is stopped by the secondary task of the visual servoing control law.

robot view:












****Below are the simulation and experimental results for the projected application. Simply put, the robot wants to grab the pringles on the table. For now, markers are placed on both the hand and the pringles to simplify the computer vision part.

The trajectory of the hand joint is shown as a trail of green/red blocks. The trajectory is red when the arm is doing the secondary task of avoiding a joint limit.

1.) Image Based Visual Servoing

Real Robot Experiment:

outside view:

robot view:

*note: the point features of the image cannot be viewed in a window like in simulation due to the real-time requirements of the system running on the robot


2.) Position BasedVisual Servoing – translation feature using a relative frame

Real Robot Experiment:

outside view:

robot view:


3.) Position Based Visual Servoing – translation feature using a difference of 2 translations in a common frame

Real Robot Experiment:

outside view:

robot view:


4.) 2.5D Visual Servoing

Real Robot Experiment:

outside view:

robot view:









 ****Below is a simulation result for a gazing task. The servoing task is to keep the marker on top of the pringles in the middle of the image.








****Below are some preliminary results in simulation of visual servoing on the REEM robot.

Position-Based Visual Servoing with all components simulated to be similar to a real robot:
– ROS gazebo physics is ON
– motor controllers simulated
– image acquisition is simulated
– pose estimation of the attached marker

Image-Based Visual Servoing with all components simulated to be similar to a real robot:
– ROS gazebo physics is ON
– motor controllers simulated
– image acquisition is simulated
– point features are detected and tracked on the attached marker

Image-Based Visual Servoing with all components simulated to be similar to a real robot:
– ROS gazebo physics is ON
– motor controllers simulated (direct connection to the low-level interface causing a slow start-up)
– image acquisition is simulated
– centroid of ball is detected throughout the image

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  1. April 15, 2012 at 3:44 pm
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